Originaly posted in New York Times
TEHRAN — Iran’s
judiciary unleashed one of its periodic crackdowns on social media
permissiveness on Sunday, announcing the arrest of eight people involved in
online modeling without a mandatory head scarf and questioning another woman, a
former model, live on state television on Sunday.
A blogger, Mehdi
Abutorabi, 53, who managed a publishing tool called Persian Blog, was also
detained, the semiofficial student news agency ISNA reported Monday.
The former model,
Elham Arab, 26, had been something of an Instagram star, posting pictures of
herself in bridal gowns with eye-catching, dyed-blond hair. But on Sunday,
months after her Instagram account had been shut down, she wore a pious black
scarf and matching gloves as she was questioned by two prosecutors during a
live television program.