Thursday, June 9, 2016

Iran: silent army of unemployed people will topple the regime

Neglecting population and housing numbers in the past few years, and lack of adequate planning by the government, have led to a major unemployment crisis in the society, in a way that one can say a silent army of unemployed people will lead to the toppling of any government, warned Secretary-General of Iran’s House of Economics.
“For each college student we must consider two unemployed individuals with lesser education. This means in the next few years we need to create 15 million new jobs,” Massoud Daneshmand said.
“Around $70,000 dollars is needed for every new job; meaning we need a budget of $10 billion to have the college students graduating in the next few years entering the job market not end up unemployed. The government cannot provide for such a budget and there is a need for foreign investment,” he continued.

Iran: IRGC training special terrorist units in Farur Island

IRGC admits training foreign terrorist in “special Nedsa unit”

On Monday, June 6th the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Navy admitted Iran is training foreign troops to carry out terrorist attacks abroad.
“Our special unit was both in operation and training mode, providing training in a wide variety of fields for various forces inside the country and abroad receiving training especially focused for special units…” Fadawi said in an interview with the IRGC-associated Fars news agency. “Foreign troops who could not speak Farsi would only repeat what their instructors were saying over and over again.”

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Iran: mullahs’ despicable social and economic results

 Skyrocketing unemployment in Iran

40 million of Iran’s workforce are unemployed.
More than 75% of the unemployed are educated individuals.
A person dies every 8 hours due to drug addiction.
18 million of 55 million city population living in outskirt areas.
150,000 to 200,000 homeless sleeping in the streets in Tehran’s 12th district alone.
As the sale of blood, kidney and liver has become a normality, the sale of eyes has gained high demand in the market recently.
Unprecedented unemployment and poverty, and this phenomenon expanding to the vast majority of the people from all walks of life is the end result of the mullahs’ massive theft from Iran’s natural resources, riches and even ordinary people’s pockets.

Iran: regime officials terrified of consequences of public lashes

Iran: Inhumane lashing in public

Exposing regime crimes more important than ever before
Lashing by the repressive apparatus is nothing new in Iran, existing from day one of the mullahs’ regime. The question is why has the lashing of Ghazvin University students, and the deprived Agh Darre miners of Takkab, gained so much attention and sparked such domestic abhorrence and international condemnation?
The truth is that oppression, including lashing, has been one of the main pillars of the mullahs’ regime in Iran seen across the country ever since this regime rose to power. However, in these recent measures, the mullahs have expanded lashing against other walks of life as a systematic method. This includes lashing hardworking miners, continuously arresting and lashing youths, college students and women.