As we get closer to the elections, power struggle among the
regime’s two main fractions gets a pitch. On Feb. 26, Iranian regime will hold so called elections
which also determine members of the “Assembly of Experts”. The most important
statutory characteristic of this assembly is its power to decide about the fate
of the “Supreme Leader”. This has become the principal asset for dogfights
between the regime’s two main fractions trying to push each other out of the
edge. Khamenei, on one side is trying to keep his most influential position in
the regime, while Rafsanjani and Rouhani are trying to make Khamenei share his
Since 37 years ago when Ayatollah Roohollah Khomeini grasped
power in Iran, this regime has been trying to extinguish the Iranian
resistance. Benefiting his high position among shiait clergies, Khomeini
attempted to wipe out his opponents by labeling them as “hypocrites” and
“enemies of God”. The resistance, nevertheless, offering more than 120.000
lives, stood up against the regime. The severe fight between the two, although
some western politicians try to hide it under their political or economic
interests, is the main decisive conflict in Iran’s political atmosphere. In
this battle the resistance has gained momentum while splits have emerged inside
the regime. Retreating from its ambitions to acquire the nuclear bomb was a
major defeat for the Iranian regime degrading the position of the supreme
leader. Fear of another uprising by the infuriated masses made Khamenei to bow
in the nuclear talks. This defeat in turn has brought more setbacks for the
regime. The fight among the government fractions aimed to gain a bigger slice
of the cake in the February elections brings to light the Iranian regime’s
weakened position.
Various factions inside the Iranian regime are planning and
engineering different methods of cheating in the February 26th parliament and
Assembly of Experts’ elections through numerous methods. Khomeini’s grandson,
one of Rafsanjani’s candidates for the “Assembly of Experts” was disqualified
by the “Guardian Council” which is under Khamenei’s influence.
In one of his recent
speeches, Rafsanjani tried to make benefit of Hassan Khomeini’s kin to
Ayatollah Khomeini to attack Khamenei. ” How do you not accept a person who is
the most similar to Khomeini? Where did you, yourselves, get your
Nejatollah Ibrahimian, spokesman of the Guardian Council said
in response to the reaction seen from the Rafsanjani-Rouhani faction in
relation to their candidates being disqualified from these elections, “How can
we expect the credentials of 12,000 candidates be evaluated in 10 days?
Meanwhile, Rouhani’s trip to Europe does not seem to have
brought much luck for him. “Sanctions have been lifted but really things are
still not very clear”, a source at a major French bank told AFP on condition of
anonymity. A deputy to Khamenei’s representative in the “Revolutionary Guards”
threatened to arrest Rafsanjani and take him to Evin prison, where his son is
The two fractions in the Ayatollahs regime are in a deadline
in their fight against each other. Any miscalculations may end to an explosion
that can doom the whole regime to loss. The newspaper,”Vatane Emrooz” wrote on
Feb. 1st, “Rafsanjani refers us to the sad memories of 2009. He threatens that
if his advices for the elections are not observed, then regional discontents
may transmit to Iran too”
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