Thursday, February 11, 2016

The creed of Death & darkness

 February 11th, 37th Anniversary of
Iranian people’s anti-monarchy revolution,
Hijacked by the Mullahs

February may be the coldest month of the year but who knew that one day in February 1978 could be one of the coldest and darkest days in the history of Iran and the Middle East. On Feb. 1st 1978, a plane coming from Paris touched the ground at Tehran’s international airport. Moments later an old man, in his eighties, a religious leader, came out through the exit door. Aided by a steward, he climbed down the stairways. Questioned, while still on air, of what feelings he had for coming back to Iran, he had vapidly said, “nothing at all”. His name was Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini. The moment he put his feet on Iran’s soil was the start of a new page in the history of not only Iran but the entire Islamic countries. The creed of death and darkness that recurred in our world, at that moment, was soon irrigated by short sided western politicians whose priority was accumulating wealth at any price. Fundamentalism, or as some call it Islamic extremism, reappeared on that day.

A nation full of jubilant moments of just have unshackled itself from a dictator, the Shah, were full of hopes that at last they would find their freedom and dignity. They had paid an enormous price for their freedom, with the many co-citizens martyred , with many who spent long terms in Shah’s prisons and torture chambers and had just got their freedom by people opening the prison doors, and with many exiled who were just coming back home. People were singing and dancing in the streets, congratulating each other, as if they were just one big family. Smiles on parents’ faces showed that they were dreaming that their new born babies would see the lights of democracy in Iran. Yes, February 11th 1978 was a great day for Iranian masses, as they celebrate its anniversary every year, but they could not believe what an evil the new ruler was.
White bearded Khomeini came back home, that day, disguised as a saint who had come to save the people. Yet, it did not take even a year before Khomeini’s real identity relieved the divine face he had put on in the blurred political atmosphere of the post shah.  He soon started building his own suppressive force, known today as ‘IRGC’, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corpse, which one of its main objectives today is to support regional terrorist groups. In fact to curb Iranian people’s new born revolution, it was decided that Khomeini should be sent back to Iran.
Thirty seven years ago Iranian people put their faith in a terrorist who had disguised himself as a Muslim. Should Iranian people be remonstrated for being deceived and betrayed by this old man of “God”?  One wonders that today after all mendacity, cruelty, larceny that this regime has perpetrated,  and after all  the arrests , torture, and executions how some western leaders sit , talk and sign agreements with Khomeini’s remnants in the present Iranian regime?
Iranians have been the first victims of fundamentalism, which has appeared in the state terrorism in Iran. Iranian resistance which carries the will of the Iranian people to overthrow the Ayatollahs has already offered 120.000 martyrs. Almost four decades has gone, and the Ayatollahs have been busy building new prisons, sending freedom seekers to the gallows and using “Islam” to stifle Iranian people’s cry for democracy. The ideology of death and darkness came to existence, again in the 21st century by the world’s only fundamentalist government. That is the self-claimed Islamic Republic of Iran, which the Iranians, truly, call it “Abu Daesh” meaning “the godfather of ISIS”.
Mullahs have ransacked all the wealth of Iran with clutching all the economy’s key points in their hands pushing a large number of the populace under poverty line. Plunder of the wealth of Iran by the Mullahs got a new dimension in its course, into plunder of the lives of the people. Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s current president, has been attributed the nick name of “President Execution” for his record of more than 2200 executions since he came to office.

Yet, the people of the great land of Persia will never give in. The Iranian resistance has a tough job, striving to bring down the dictator in their country, while the appeasement policy makers in the west see their interests in protecting this regime. Members of the Iranian resistance, now grouped in the prison like Camp Liberty in Iraq, can retell long records of breaches of international law that have elongated the life of “ISIS’s Godfather. They can recite many broken promises given to them by the UN and United States authorities. The camp, supposed to be a “temporary Transit Location”, is now in its fourth year and already subjected to four missile attacks. In the latest one, last October, Iran backed terrorists attacked the camp last October with 80 fortified grad missiles killing 24 of the residents and injuring many more.
Khomeini, Khamenei and Rouhani will never be able to smother the desire of freedom in Iran.
February 11th is not the end. It gets a new start each year when Iranians celebrate the anniversary of their hijacked revolution.

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