Wednesday, April 20, 2016

International Labor Day in Iran, solidarity amongst all walks of life

International Labor Day
We are nearing May 1st, marking International Labor Day, and each day there are new calls from laborers to stage marches and protests against the ruling mullahs’ cruelty and oppression. In solidarity with laborers across Iran, college students condemned the cruelty and oppression imposed on Iran’s laborers and called for solidarity from all walks of life. This includes students of South Tehran Free University who issued a statement in this regard: “We, a group of students of Tehran Free University, congratulate our country’s dear workers on International Labor Day and condemn the cruelty and oppression imposed against you under the mullahs’ regime. We call on all international organizations and anyone across the globe that are active in labor affairs to take action to improve the conditions of laborers.”

The truth is International Labor Day is a scene of practicing solidarity to cry out for commons pains, the pain of not having any food, the pain of being unemployed, the pain of not having a roof over your head, the pain of no job security and no social security, and the pain of no freedom.
These are the very issues bonding college students, laborers, women and people from all walks of life in Iran’s society. The mullahs’ and their officials are terrified of this bond and national solidarity amongst all Iranians, and they clearly cannot cloak their fright. The latest such case of this fear was seen in the remarks made by Mullah Ahmad Jannati, head of the ultraconservative Guardian Council, in a recent Friday prayer gathering held on April 15th where he issued a warning to unemployed college students and workers.
“We have so many college students, graduates, a vast labor force, then why should our production be so low? Why isn’t the smuggling stopped? It needs a revolutionary measure. Our workers, our factory owners, they must remain unemployed, and each day their numbers go up,” he said.

Mullah Jannati has shown he is terrified of workers and the skyrocketing numbers of unemployed college students and graduates. However, is he truly concerned about their needs? The answer is clearly a no. The mullahs and their officials are terrified of the powder keg potential seen in the millions of unemployed workers and graduates. They see the end of their rule in college students, workers and other youths joining force. Such a potential will start a tsunami that is already shaking the very tenets of the mullahs’ regime, let alone come the day that its waves begin to tear down the entire regime apparatus. On that day, expressing concerns and issuing warnings will no longer be of any use for the ruling theocracy. 

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