Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rouhani is trying to sell a “dead horse”

Rouhani is a sinister figure

An Iranian organized reception for the ‘Islamic Republic of Iran’s president, when he was in Europe last week, produces a mystery. Rome and Paris usually receive state authorities from different corners of the world but when it comes to Iran’s president Rouhani, he receives a boisterous welcome by his infuriated opponents.
For centuries Iranian people have strongly believed in Islam. Iran is the only country that Shiite is its official religion. For years and years non-Muslim Iranians have lived along their country mates having respect to Islam. The mystery is here that Why Muslim Iranian people are now at war with their government that calls itself the “Islamic” Republic of Iran? Rouhani and Khamenei insist that they are following the teachings of Islam. On the other side regional Muslim countries, including their religious leaders are condemning Iran’s aggressions and nasty behavior.
A brief look at Iran’s current political and social situation may explain this uncertainty. Rouhani’s stunt smiles when travelling abroad, as well as the regime’s bragging about power in Persian Gulf, is to cover up the fatal problems Iranian Mullahs are now facing. First and above any other crisis, this regime is facing “illegitimacy” among Iranian masses. Not a single day passes in Iran without anti-government demonstrations here and there. In the past Iranian year, which ended in March 2015, the number of recorded anti-government protests reached 5700.A simple calculation makes it at least 15 anti-government demonstrations every day. This number for the present year is definitely much higher. People of different trends in the Iranian society such as workers, students, merchants, teachers, nurses, farmers as well as women and even stockholders who have lost their assets to government officials’ fraud are infuriated with this government. Most of Iran’s wealth and industry is now in the hands of top officials’ family members pushing ordinary people out of business and to destitution. “Islamic” has been a cunning Label this regime has used to render its opponents to the gallows.
Shahindokht Molavardi, Rouhani’s former deputy in women and family affairs, has said 5,000 of the 15,000 homeless people living in the streets of Tehran are women (State-run ILNA news agency – July 11, 2015).  A university professor who himself slept on the streets for a few nights says in Iran infants are sold before even being born. He says the status of homeless people sleeping in the streets is so dire that infants are sold while they are still in their mother’s wombs at a mere price of 17.5 million rials (just around $500). The mullahs Interior Ministry reported 18 million Iranians are living in unofficial residential facilities (State-run news agency – August 22, 2015). To avoid another mass uprising, Rouhani is keeping up the daily executions, which he and other officials call “the will of God”.

Another crisis Rouhani is facing is conflicts among different factions inside the regime. Iran’s volatile situation has divided the Mullahs on how they can succeed in suppressing people.  In less than a month Iranian regime will hold so called elections which also determine members of the “Assembly of Experts”. The Constitutional task of this assembly which entitles it to decide about the fate of the “Supreme Leader” has become the principal asset for regime’s two fractions trying to push each other out of the edge.

Retreating from its ambitions to acquire the nuclear bomb was a major defeat for the Iranian regime degrading the position of the supreme leader. Fear of another uprising by the infuriated masses, who were against putting the wealth of the country into making atomic bomb, made Khamenei to bow in the nuclear talks. This defeat in turn has brought more setbacks for the regime. The fight among the government fractions aimed to gain a bigger slice of the cake in the February elections brings to light the Iranian regime’s weakened position.
Bankrupt economy is another deadly crisis for the Mullahs regime in Iran. IRGC , Khamenei’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, which is also the main body for proceeding suppression inside and terrorism outside the country, owns most of Iran’s basic industries pushing ordinary citizens out of business. The army of unemployed and laid off workers who are demanding their months of unpaid salary is a great source of fear for the Iranian officials.
Drawn in various crises, Rouhani was in Europe to find a solid ground to put his feet on. The green light of Dollars spent by Rouhani may have blinded some French entrepreneurs not to see a dictator that already has 2000+ executions in his record and torture is routine in his jails. Nevertheless, the flip-flop status of the Iranian regime may dash their hopes for a better income. Rouhani is trying to sell a dead horse.

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